Tuesday 3 June 2008

First Official Blog!

This is the first official blog from Clockwork. If you're reading this you are probably one of about two (unless we become really famous and you're a fan looking at past blog posts - possible!), we're not exactly what you'd call well-known, hell we only thought up of a name today! There's just two of us at the moment, hello, the person actually writing what you're reading is Fred. There's also Dan. We are currently searching for a guitarist, if you are interested and you know either of the two creative talents who are currently members, then drop us a call, be aware the selection process is going to be tough, I'm a perfectionist. If you're interested and you know neither of us then sorry, but it probably just won't work, so -skidaddle!
Anyhoo, to give you a rough idea of our music, we are both huge Led Zep fans, we both like the Chilis, Dan loves Rush and I love Radiohead! 
Finally, the band will be getting together to write over the summer, whether we get a string picker or not, and are hoping to have some shows in the Guildford/Woking area lined up in late 2008, early 2009 etc.

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