Wednesday 4 June 2008

Sigur Ros Track On Radio One Last Night & More

Go immediately to the radio one website and listen to Colin Murray show from last night.. plays a nine minute new Sigur Ros track... amazing...! 

BTW Danny boy... pardon me for usin the blog to chat mate but i got sumone who might be intrested in guitaring for us... his names robbie... says he's about grade 4/5...must be good cos hes only been learning for like 2 years....says he likes iron maiden...rage against machine.... that sorta stuff

u think we should audition him or summin?

the only problem is he doesnt exactly live close... hampton

share your opinion bru

Tuesday 3 June 2008


This is Dan, my first blog for this band and i am sure you feel mighty blessed to have such a genius typing on this lovely website. Lets begin with music, the main topic here. In order for you to get a vague understanding of what we sound like then imagine this....
A subtle blend of rock, jazz, drum and bass, r'n'b and whatever R.E.M are (iTunes says alternative but thats a lie) So now thats there we can move on to the fantastic concept of the band, Clockwork. Firstly there are no defined band positions as we move around to suit the song, although I prefer drums to anything else. Secondly if you are a guitarist and you want to reach us, leave a comment on one of the blogs or on our bebo This is the most direct way to reach me (Dan) and through me probably Fred as well so drop a comment. Lastly if you are to leave a comment none of this insulting, degrading crap, we won't get offended, in fact we'll probably delete the comment and forget you even existed. Feedback is welcome, harsh but not simply abuse. Thats about it, have fun with the rest of your life



I got bored, and since blogging is an utterly new phenomenon for me I thought I'd do something exciting and thats right make another post. (I know it's not really exciting- I was being sarcastic, after all sarcasm is the backbone of british society -isn't that right Mr Spock -I know you can hear me) If you wanna know more about us well, tough titties you're not gonna get it cos, you see simply put, you could damn well be one of those ass wrenching peedo-whores who likes to look at pictures of little boys as a form of evening entertainment. But... if you wanna know more about the clockwork well here is some more information served up on one of those platters you get in cartoons. Imagine sitting at a fancy dining table and having a butler take the lid of a shiny silver dish and presenting you the following:

Me and Dan have been buddies since before the discovery of the antipodes (thats pronounced ant-ip-od-ees by the way not antipoads as some dimwits think) that was a joke, as you should understand if you know what the hell I'm talking about. (If you don't, don't worry you're not stupid, after all, nowadays- everybody is a success!) We are both drummers, skin bashers, tub bangers, stick clashers whatever you want to call us. When we get together we like to go crazy, jamming with drum and bass and maybe even a bit of jazz (I just love Miles Davis) but mainly we're into rock music when it comes round to playing... which usually occurs in either one of our bedrooms... a list of those artists who we have been what you might call inspired by might include R.E.M., (can I put a comma next to that or does it look a bit weird?) Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Arctic Monkeys (despite a growing dislike for Alex Turner's lyrics). (I never know where to put the full stop, after brackets or before them.). But basically I like all sorts of music and allsorts of fruit sweets put in a bag by Bassetts (but not the liquorice sort - I hate them - I nearly died of joy when the fruit ones came out). Both me and Dan are in our GCSE year currently, yes I should probably be revising for my Geography exam tomorrow. 

As for band operations, generally I write chord sequences, I play a little piano, add a little percussion and organize anything electronic, Dan plays lead drums (he's mind blowingly fast) and a little guitar and likes writing stuff as well, which leaves a space open for lead guitar, a spot which we hope to fill fairly soon.

As for now, I'm just gonna write about stuff that interests me, generally music but I might add a little other detail in every once in a while. My key opinions are as follows: 

1. Lyrics should be epic and spectacular, but also have meaning - not about Sheila going out with her mate Stella.

2. Razorlight released a cracking first album, but their second was shocking.

3. Radiohead have got better and better with each album.

4. There is nothing nicer than chicken satay.

5. Roxy Music are cr*p on record but brilliant live.

6. Lost is the best ever television show.

7. A scottish accent is dead sexy.

8. Sabian is better than Zildjan.

9. Roland is better than Yamaha (sorry Dan)

10. A good song can be ruined by overdriving the guitars.

11. Finally... More people should listen to These New Puritans and Sunshine Underground.

Cheers if you're reading this, the only reasons I'm writing it are: a) I'm bored, b) When we're famous, you can look back at this blog and say 'What tw*ts they used to be!?"


First Official Blog!

This is the first official blog from Clockwork. If you're reading this you are probably one of about two (unless we become really famous and you're a fan looking at past blog posts - possible!), we're not exactly what you'd call well-known, hell we only thought up of a name today! There's just two of us at the moment, hello, the person actually writing what you're reading is Fred. There's also Dan. We are currently searching for a guitarist, if you are interested and you know either of the two creative talents who are currently members, then drop us a call, be aware the selection process is going to be tough, I'm a perfectionist. If you're interested and you know neither of us then sorry, but it probably just won't work, so -skidaddle!
Anyhoo, to give you a rough idea of our music, we are both huge Led Zep fans, we both like the Chilis, Dan loves Rush and I love Radiohead! 
Finally, the band will be getting together to write over the summer, whether we get a string picker or not, and are hoping to have some shows in the Guildford/Woking area lined up in late 2008, early 2009 etc.